Parasites easily penetrate the body and exist at the expense of the host's nutrients. In a healthy person, the immune system is able to get rid of "unwanted guests" on its own. But when it is weakened, the parasites calmly reach their location. To destroy them, medicines and folk remedies are equally popular.
When do you need to cleanse your body of parasites?
The presence of parasites in the body leads to a decrease in immunity, and a large number of them disrupt the functioning of organs and can lead to death. Therefore, if symptoms characteristic of infection are detected, examination and treatment are recommended.
Signs of parasites:
Symptom | Reason for appearance |
Unreasonable headaches or dizziness | During life, parasites release toxins that cause poisoning of the body. Additionally, some parasites can inhabit the brain. |
Rapid loss of strength, constant feeling of weakness and fatigue | Due to the consumption of nutrients by parasites, the body experiences a lack of energy. |
Depression and frequent psychological breakdowns | Due to the action of toxins, the functioning of the nervous system and brain deteriorates. |
A sharp decrease in immunity (expressed as frequent colds) and a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin | The symptom is caused by a lack of nutrients |
Nausea without eating or the presence of unnatural odors | Caused by intoxication of the body, parasites can also be located in the digestive tract and disrupt its functioning. |
Excessive saliva production and frequent hunger | Saliva is necessary for the normal digestion of food. It is produced when the stomach prepares to receive food. If there are parasites present, some of the nutrients are absorbed by them and the body suffers an energy deficiency. Therefore, the brain often sends hunger signals to the stomach and salivary glands. |
Decreased appetite and weight loss | It occurs when there are a large number of parasites and severe poisoning. |
Changes in bowel movements (constipation and diarrhea) | Caused by blockage of the rectum by parasites and rupture of its mucous membrane. |
Pain in muscle tissue | The parasites absorb the vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary for normal muscle function. There are also individuals located in muscle tissue. |
Various forms of allergic reactions that cannot be treated with medication | Parasites cause a decrease in immunity, making the body unable to resist allergens. |
Presence of teeth grinding during sleep | This symptom has no verified justification. Perhaps the manifestation is caused by a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system due to the vital activity of parasites. |
Dry skin, brittle hair and nails | It occurs due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, and dehydration of the body occurs due to intoxication. |
Pimples and blackheads often appear on the face and take a long time to heal. | It develops due to poisoning of the body with toxins. |
Dermatological rashes, including age spots | Caused by poor functioning of the immune system and lack of nutrients. |
Nocturnal itching in the anus | The worms lay their eggs in the folds of the anus. Its exit through the rectum and the juice secreted when eggs are laid irritate the skin. |
Presence of parasites and their larvae in feces | Most "unwanted guests" live in the digestive tract, and if there are a large number of them, they can leave the body naturally. |
Enlarged liver and yellowish skin tone | It is caused by parasites when they colonize the liver and disrupt the functioning of the organ. |
Cough without respiratory system pathology | Some types of parasites can settle in the lungs or the larval maturation process takes place there. |
It is necessary to use means to destroy parasites once every 6 months if there is an animal in the house (even if the animal does not go out). The parasite larvae can enter the animal's fur through dirty shoes or the digestive tract through raw meat.
Preparing to cleanse the body of parasites
Folk remedies for parasites in the body, as well as medications, can be used after an accurate diagnosis of the presence of "unwanted guests" and preparation for therapy. Since infusions and decoctions contain elements that are harmful not only to parasites, but also have a negative effect on the organs of the digestive tract, their use is often not recommended.
It is important to follow the preparation and dosage recipe, otherwise it could cause irreparable damage to your health.
Before starting treatment, you must make sure that there are no contraindications:
- presence of pregnancy;
- heart disturbance;
- oncological formations;
- disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction);
- the presence of chronic pathologies in the acute form.
The preparation procedure begins 10 to 14 days before treatment. It consists of avoiding sweet, salty and starchy foods. The basis of the diet should be foods rich in fiber.

At the same time, it is necessary to consume a large amount of liquid, at least 2. 5-3 liters per day. If there is constipation, laxatives are used for 3-5 days. 24 hours before starting therapy, it is recommended to clean the rectum with an enema.
Body cleansing methods
You can get rid of the presence of parasites with popular decoctions and infusions or with techniques developed by specialists.
Method number 1
There are 2 ways to get rid of parasites using this method:
- Kind.The method is based on the fact that parasites are destroyed by herbs (wormwood, tansy, cloves) and foods (black walnuts, ginger) that contain bitterness. Dried herbs should be crushed in equal proportions and rolled into a small ball of bread so that they can be swallowed without chewing. Dried ginger and chopped nuts can be used in a similar way. You can use the listed ingredients to make tea (separately or as a mixture). To prepare the drink, you need to steam 10 g of a mixture of herbs in 200 ml. Consume hot in 1 or 2 doses. The course of therapy should not exceed 5 days. Since prolonged use of drinks and bread rolls can lead to poisoning of the body.
- Radical.To destroy the parasites, abstinence from food for 5 days (water only) is recommended. Or use oral urine or enemas for the same amount of time. This method of cleansing the body from parasites can be done once every 3 months.
Method number 2
The method includes 3 ways to eliminate parasites from the body:
- For 10 days, it is necessary to cleanse the body with an enema with acidified water from 5 am to 7 am and from 5 pm to 7 pm. The solution is prepared with filtered water (without boiling) and cranberry, sea buckthorn or lemon juice is added. For 2 liters of water you need 50 ml of any juice and 25 g of salt. After the enema, you need to drink 200-300 ml of green apple juice or 150 ml of chamomile tea. The drinks help restore the intestinal mucosa and flora.
- Enemas (2. 5 liters of boiled water and 25 ml of lemon juice) are administered in a 4-week course.
weeks Number of enemas 1 once a day two In one day 3 in 2 days 4 in 3 days The time of the procedure is chosen independently.
- For 3 weeks, consume 1 clove of garlic in the morning on an empty stomach. Feeding should occur within an hour. Also, during the day you need to drink a decoction of oats. To prepare, you need to steam 30 g of oat grains in 250 ml of boiling water. Consume after 3 hours (infuse in a thermos bottle). This method destroys organisms and restores the functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart, as well as improving the condition of blood vessels.
Recipes for folk remedies for removing parasites at home
Folk remedies for parasites in the body can be used without consulting a specialist responsible for the treatment, but only if there are no contraindications and the correct preparation recipe is taken as a basis. A strong concentration of infusions and decoctions can cause burns to the gastric mucosa.
You can eat 1 clove of garlic a day for prevention. The spicy vegetable helps destroy parasites, viruses and bacteria. It is allowed to give it to children if there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The following recipes are recommended to kill parasites:
Enema Solutions:
- To prepare, you need to crush the cloves of a medium head of garlic and leave it in 1 liter of water. Before administering the enema, it is necessary to strain the solution;
- light enema. You need to infuse 2-3 crushed cloves in 200 ml of milk. For children, 100 ml of solution is enough.
Enemas are recommended to be performed at night for 5-7 days.

For oral use:
- garlic tincture with cognac. In 0. 5 liters of cognac you need to put 200 g of chopped garlic. It can be consumed after 3 weeks, 20 ml in the morning. The course is 60 days. This treatment can be carried out once every 24 months;
- combine 15 drops of fresh garlic juice with 120 ml of milk. Drink 3 servings throughout the day. The course lasts no more than 7 days;
- A decoction of garlic with milk. To prepare, take 3-4 cloves for every 250 ml of milk. Cook for 2 minutes. The drink is consumed in the morning. During the day you can only eat mashed potatoes with water. Repeating the course is not permitted more than once a month.
If stomach pain occurs or your health worsens, the course of therapy will be interrupted.
Sodium bicarbonate is used as an enema to eliminate parasites. The course is 5 days. On the first and last day, enemas with lemon juice and salt are administered (prepared according to method No. 2). On the 3rd day, a solution of soda (20 g) and water (800 ml) is used. For complete cleaning, 8 courses are required.
You can use sodium bicarbonate orally.To prepare the solution, use 2-3 g of soda per 100 ml of water. To enhance the effect, you need to add 1 drop of iodine. The drink is consumed for up to 7 days.
Cognac and castor oil
Folk remedies for parasites are effective when used correctly. If the dosage is reduced, the parasites will not be destroyed, if the dosage is exceeded, poisoning is possible. Brandy and castor oil are used together to remove parasites from the body.
Cognac has disinfectant properties. Castor oil promotes quick and complete bowel cleansing. For treatment, it is necessary to alternately consume 50 ml of cognac and castor oil. The course should not exceed 3 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after 10 to 14 days.
To eliminate parasites with the help of absinthe, it can be consumed in 3 types:
- Drink made with dried leaves.To prepare, you need to cook 15 g of absinthe in 200 ml of water. The portion should be consumed during the day. Consume before the parasites leave.
- Powder, sold in pharmacies.To prepare it yourself, you need to grind all the components of the plant (even the root) into powder. Take 5 g of the product twice a day before meals. The course is 30 days.
- Alcohol tincture.To prepare, you need to infuse 70 g of dry wormwood herb in 0. 5 liters of alcohol. After 10 days, strain and consume 10 ml twice a day. The course lasts no more than 14 days.
Mixtures of bitter herbs (immortelle, yarrow, St. John's wort) and oak or hawthorn bark are most effective in killing parasites. The composition of the mixture is selected as desired, all ingredients are taken in equal quantities.
Herbs should be steamed like regular tea (infuse for 1-1. 5 hours) and consumed fresh. Do not drink more than 100 ml of drink per day. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days. If necessary, therapy is repeated after 3-5 days. Maximum number of courses twice a year.
Onion infusion helps eliminate viruses and parasites.To prepare, you need to steam a chopped onion in 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours. The resulting drink is divided into 2 parts for morning and evening intake. Therapy consists of 2 courses of 7 days each, with a break of 9-11 days.
pumpkin seeds
To destroy parasites, it is advisable to use fresh pumpkin seeds (fried for children). When cleaning them, it must be ensured that the film remains on the seeds. This is what contains substances harmful to parasites.
You need to eat 25-30 g of peeled seeds once a day.To quickly remove the destroyed parasites, it is necessary to use a laxative after 60 minutes. The duration of therapy is up to 3 days. The course can be repeated after 15-20 days.
Chopped walnut kernels must be mixed in equal proportions with honey. Consume 30 g of the mixture in the morning. Therapy can be extended up to 30 days. An infusion of wine with walnuts has a therapeutic effect. It is necessary to infuse 30 g of peeled walnuts in 200 ml of wine. The product is ready for use after 20 days. Drink up to 100 ml of infusion per day. Course 5 days.
Pine nuts
To destroy parasites, you need to eat 100-120 g of peeled nuts per day. The course of therapy is 60 days. During the treatment period, meat products should be reduced to a minimum.
Cherry berries
Fresh cherries can destroy and remove parasites from the body.To do this, you need to eat 150-200 g of berries on an empty stomach for at least 7 days.
Folk remedies for parasites in the body (giardia) are often prepared from horseradish. Freshly squeezed horseradish juice is used in treatment. It is necessary to dilute 20 ml of juice in 150 ml of water. The course of therapy is up to 2 weeks. The need to repeat treatment is determined by a specialist.
Tansy treatment must be carried out with extreme caution, as the plant is considered poisonous. In case of drug overdose, poisoning is possible. To prepare an infusion of tansy against parasites, you need to cook 40 g of tansy herb in 0. 5 liters of boiling water for 8 hours.

Adults consume the finished infusion 100 ml in the morning for 10 days.Children cannot drink more than 80 ml per day (divided into 3-4 doses) over a period of 5 days. In case of overdose, perform gastric lavage and take activated charcoal.
Birch tar
Birch tar is also a toxic product and must be used strictly in accordance with the dosage. The medicine is sold in pharmacies ready-made. The duration of the consultation is discussed with the therapist/pediatrician. The maximum amount of product per day is 1 drop.
Recommended administration methods:
- apply a drop to a piece of rye bread;
- mix with 20 g of honey;
- dissolve in 150 ml of milk.
The product eliminates most types of helminths.
Carrot and melon
To kill parasites, you can use melon or carrot juice. It is necessary to drink 200 ml of the drink per day (divided into 3 doses). Consume before meals. Unsweetened grated carrots (50-70 g) are also effective. You can consume crushed carrot seeds 2 g before meals. These products are harmless and contain many vitamins. The course of therapy is not limited.
Flaxseed jelly helps cleanse the body of toxins and parasites. To prepare it, take 25 g of seeds and 120 ml of boiling water. Drink the jelly in 1 portion after it cools. Therapy lasts 10 days.The course can be repeated after 12 to 14 days.
Folk remedies for parasites in the body are sometimes prepared on the basis of dried cloves, as it contains many useful substances, strengthens the immune system and cleanses toxins and parasites. Prolonged use may lead to the development of constipation.
To prepare the infusion, you need to steam 7 g of cloves in 200 ml of boiling water. Take 10-12 ml 3 times a day. It is recommended to prepare a new infusion for each dose. Also, eat more laxative foods. Or take laxatives during therapy.The duration of the course is 5 to 7 days.
Ginger root tincture
Ginger is used as an alcohol tincture to eliminate parasites. In 0. 5 liters of vodka you need to infuse 0. 5 kg of ginger (grated) for 2 weeks. Take 10 ml 3 times a day. The course lasts no more than 14 days.
Oral consumption of oils can be used to remove parasites from the body. They destroy adults and their larvae and also facilitate their removal from the body. The duration of the course is selected individually.
Recommended oils:
- Pumpkin seed oil.You need to drink 30 ml of oil before meals 3 times a day;
- linseed oilused for prevention and finally treatment against parasites. You need to consume 20 ml of oil per day;
- black cumin oil.For treatment it is necessary to drink 20 ml per day in 2 doses;
- Sunflower oiltake 15 ml in the morning and evening before meals;
- sea buckthorn oilreplenishes the body with vitamins, destroys parasites and promotes their elimination. It is necessary to consume 10 ml 3 times a day.
Additionally, you can use oils in enemas (50 ml of oil per 1 liter of water).
Enemas are effective if the parasites are located in the rectum.
To destroy and subsequently remove them, the following recipes are used:
- Garlic solution.You need to steam the peeled garlic cloves and cut into 2 pieces in 200 ml of water. Before administration, the resulting infusion is diluted in 1 liter of water. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
- Onion and garlic solution.You need to chop the onion and 3 cloves of garlic. Place the pulp in 100 ml of water and leave for 30 minutes. Dilute the infusion in 1 liter of water. Course – 10 days.
- Wormwood solution.It is necessary to leave 25 g of wormwood in 200 ml of boiling water for 2 hours. Dilute the resulting solution in 1 liter of water. Course – 7 days.
For the effectiveness of enemas to be greater, after administering the solutions it is necessary to retain the liquid in the intestine for as long as possible.
Laxative drinks allow you to quickly remove parasites from the body, but they also have a detrimental effect on them. Its use is recommended as part of a comprehensive medication regimen. Magnesia is considered the most popular laxative. To prepare the solution, you need 1 g of magnesia per 1 kg of person.
The product must be combined with 200 ml of water and consumed per day.Course of up to 10 days. The product is not addictive. After stopping, the stool quickly returns to normal. The dosage of castor oil is calculated in similar proportions. To prevent the product from causing vomiting, it is recommended to immediately drink lemon juice. You can eat 1 slice of lemon.
Possible complications of helminthiasis
Helminths can remain in the body for a long time without showing specific symptoms. They affect the organ chosen for the location and disrupt its functioning. In an advanced form, the action of the parasites can lead to organ failure. A particular danger is that they can settle in any organ, even the brain and eyeball.
Helminth waste poisons the body with toxins that disrupt the functioning of the brain and organs.Parasites absorb nutrients, thereby reducing the protective properties of the immune system. A large number of them in the rectum leads to intestinal obstruction, which can lead to rupture and death.
Traditional recipes are most often used to prevent parasite infestation. Unlike medicines, they poison the body less. Some decoctions additionally replenish the costs of vitamins and are approved for use from birth. Before treating young children with folk remedies, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.